
Yes, it's me.

Wow I make it a point to be a better mommy blogger and actually update my family blog but it only lasts for one or two posts.  So not really.  For those of you who don't know I got a new professional blog, Studionoelle.com/blog!  I LOVE it and I'm super excited about the whole thing.  Well just wanted to let you know that my new blog is going to become my professional AND family blog.  I'm going to keep this one as well, in case there is anything too personal I don't want other people reading but if you want family updates follow my other blog.  I hope you stop on by because I'm going to be better updating and saying hello to you guys again.  See you soon!


Hillaryous said...

I don't comment enough, sorry, but I love checkin in on you guys! I LOVE your photography! You are so talented!!!!! I love the new site! Someday I will come to you and have you take our photos!!!! xoxox

LOVE YOu!lni

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