Yet another fun thing to do while your husband is still away. Take 15 of your favorite movies, go to and find a quote from each movie. Post them here for everyone to guess. NO CHEATING! Bold it when someone guesses the movie correctly! Have fun! Note: A change has been made to #151. -I have a cow and I sew. How's that for "hard to relate to"?
*The Holiday*
-You're not like anybody.
-Oh. Right. I'm sorry. I thought, you know... I guess I haven't seen you run before and I thought you were doing a funny run.
-A funny run? That's my run.
2. -I love ya.
-Well, I love you too! If that's what you said. I don't know if it ends in a 'ya' if it's an official 'I love you.' -You're not like anybody.
3. -I love a woman who eats raw meat.
4. -Just stop. Otherwise, I can't go on. Just run normally.
-I am running normally. -Oh. Right. I'm sorry. I thought, you know... I guess I haven't seen you run before and I thought you were doing a funny run.
-A funny run? That's my run.
*Mickey Blue Eyes*
5. -Tic Tac sir?
*Dumb and Dumber*
6. -Get back, witch.
-I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that any more. *Princess Bride*
7. -Come out, come out wherever you are! Come out, come out wherever you are!
Hint: Not an American made film.
8. -If his brain's ran down, how can he talk?
-It happens to people all the time. *Return to OZ*
-The aliens, in the mothership. You look just like him.
9. -If it's meant to be, it will be. It's destiny . . . or not.
*Music and Lyrics*
10. -They did a pretty good job.
-Who did? -The aliens, in the mothership. You look just like him.
*The Family Man*
-May they never meet.
11. -We mustn't dwell... no, not today. We CAN'T. Not on Rex Manning day.
*Empire Records*
12. -To wives and sweethearts.
-To wives and sweethearts. -May they never meet.
*Master and Commander*
-I meant, are you in here for drugs?
-Why are you here?
13. -Drugs?
-Thank you, no. I'm straight. -I meant, are you in here for drugs?
-Why are you here?
*Ferris Bueller's Day Off*
-You have a house?
-Own or rent?
-What do you do for a living?
-Lots of things.
-Where's your office?
-I don't have one.
-How come?
-I don't need one.
-Where's your wife?
-Don't have one.
-How come?
-It's a long story.
-You have kids?
-No I don't.
-How come?
-It's an even longer story.
-Are you my Dad's brother?
-What's your record for consecutive questions asked?
-I'm your Dad's brother alright.
-You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad.
-How nice of you to notice.
-I'm a kid that's my job.
14. -I can't help thinking that at some point someone is going to produce a piglet and we'll all have to chase it.
*Pride and Prejudice*
15. -Where do you live?
-In the city. -You have a house?
-Own or rent?
-What do you do for a living?
-Lots of things.
-Where's your office?
-I don't have one.
-How come?
-I don't need one.
-Where's your wife?
-Don't have one.
-How come?
-It's a long story.
-You have kids?
-No I don't.
-How come?
-It's an even longer story.
-Are you my Dad's brother?
-What's your record for consecutive questions asked?
-I'm your Dad's brother alright.
-You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad.
-How nice of you to notice.
-I'm a kid that's my job.
*Uncle Buck*
I only got the movies that I really like... I think!
1. The holiday! (Love this movie)
4. Run fatboy run... The quote seems to obvious to be this movie, but its the only one i could think of!
5 My husband says it "dumb and dumber"!
6 Princess Bride ( my all time favorite) Im always saying this line to my sisters!
9 Serendipity??
14 Pride and prjudice..... maybe?
Fun game, but I give up!
Wow. I know most of those quotes, but for the life of me I can't think of the movie titles. Lame! Well for sure 6 is princess bride and 14 is pride and prejudice. I'll get back to you if I remember any of the others. :)
I can finish off the list.
10. The Family Man
11. Empire Records
12. Master & Commander
13. Ferris Buellers Day Off
15. Uncle Buck (featuring a very funny Canadian)
4 is killing me. I know the movie, but I cant remember. It seems so familiar. The others, i have no idea!
I think I got it. 4 is 2 weeks notice right?
Nope! But it does have Hugh Grant in it!
4- Mickey Blue Eyes (yes yes??)
9 is driving me crazy!!!
9 also has Hugh Grant in it!
Noelle you crack me up! I love all your "bored day" posts! When is Kurt getting back? We still need to get together..when is the next time your coming up to SLC? maybe we'll have to take a trip down to Cedar!
Oooh! 9 is Music and Lyrics!
oh oh I know this one! 8 is return to OZ!
Why are people guessing? You put the movie down? I'm confused! Anyway miss you - TONS! Hope you are great.
I knew it had hugh grant, oh well, congrats polly!
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